Sunday, December 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Hank!!!

Hank turns TWO!!!


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Jack had to help!!

Cinnamon Rolls for Breakfast

Birthday Cupcakes!!

What a cutie!!! Happy Birthday Sweetie
Hank turned TWO on Saturday. What a sweet heart! Jason had to work early so we had to do presents fast. He was so excited. The clothes not so much but he got the big stuffed bear and dog from grandma and grandpa Leonardson. We got him the stuffed dolls from the Bubble Guppies. Its his favorite show. Grandma Cindy got him a puzzle boat that he and Jack are still fighting over. They both love it. I cant believe he is already two. Time went by way to fast. This chunky monkey keeps us going. Even Jack had a hard time keeping up with him.!!! Happy Birthday Hank. We love you!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Not sure??????

We have had quite the year at our home. Its been a crazy 8 months of 2012. This are just a few random pictures of what happened.I wish I could put all of them on here but there really is alot and on two different cameras!.
We started the year with Jason deciding on going back to school. He started in Febuary with Steven Henger. For us it was a better way to go so he could stay working full time.
Our first house project was rebuilding the shelves in the hallway for food storage..sorry no pics
We also redid the electrical work in the house so we could have a dishwasher and garbage disposal...Thanks to the help of my sister in laws dad...
After that was the boys room. We completely gutted it out.

We decided to put the boys in the same room but I wanted to fix it up first. We tore out base boards and closets. Did new paint and put Bead board on the one wall and Jason built the shelf. We had to have my dad come help us with this one a little

Sorry its side ways.

Hank got his twin bed. I had takedn the rail off his crib a few months before
but it was time for the big boy bed.

I liked the boys room so much we did the same to ours.
The base boards were still pretty new and we had redone the closet a few years back so we just
 repainted and put up the wall and shelf. I love the difference it made

Hank got suck under the baby gate.. 

I found a bag of my stuffed animals from when I was a kid. Jack has claimed the cow.

Hank --so GOOFY

 JACK turned 3!!!! The pictures were on the other camera

 Swimming Lessons!!! Jack jumped off the diving board all by himself.

Potty Training!!!!He had to put his underwear on his head for some reason.

 Hank fot the Chicken Pox!!!

We built a new deck

This is our neighbor Gary....between him and my dad we had all the tools we needed.

 The morning it was finished!

One very HAPPY family.!!!

During the Fourth of July, Jason got a new job with Teton Toyota. He had been at Blackers for almost 8 years and we were ready for a change. He has been at his job about a month now. Its been long hours with training and learning everything. But we love him for everything he is doing for his family. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Cowboys and Farmers!!

He is a natural!

Farmer Hank....he figured out what horse poo was!!!

No worries... he didnt eat it...thank goodness

He was just missing a Cowboy Hat and some Boots

We decided to make a SPONTANIOUS trip to Twin Falls today to see the folks...AND the HORSES.!!!!It was definitely a surprise visit since grandma and grandpa had no idea we were coming. Thanks Rachel for the help with that one....We were lucky it was such a gorgous day because Jack could have spent the whole day out there with the horses.. Both the boys weren't a bit scared.. they would just walk right up to them and let the horses eat out of their hands and pet them. Jack was surely on cloud 9 today... it was great. It was so nice to spend time with family today..

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hank the Tank turns ONE!!!!!

Birthday Rocking Horse.


Birthday Breakfast- Baked French Toast......It was really YUMMY!!!!

My Birthday Outfit

Hank turned ONE today. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my baby- He ws born 9.1 lbs 21 in' long. He is now ONE!!!!! The year went by to fast. But I have loved it.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Chocolate Frosting???

One day Jack brought me a can of frosting from the fridge. I just kinda stared at him for a second and said "OK"!!! I figured if I put some on graham crackers it wouldnt be to bad. I guess Im a pretty easy going mom cause I just frosted a few crackers for him and left him to them. When I came back this is what I found.

He decided I needed to join him in on the fun. Never a dull moment with this boy.. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Nothing Sweeter.

My life is good. Im not so great at blogging these days but I have to say its been a crazy summer. I was finally able to go part time at the Bank so Im home so much more with the boys. Its the best.
My sweet baby Hank is soon to be ten months old. He was 9lbs when he was born so let me tell you , he is a chunk. But you gotta love him. I pretty much have a routine with him each day. The bathroom door always stays shut for he loves the plunger and  if he isnt there then he has gotten into the cereal boxes and there are Fruity Pebbles or Cheerios all over the floor. Lets just say the vaccuum is close by all the time.
Mr. Jack is amost 2 1/2 and a busy body. But the boy is struggling with the twos. He is in his tantram phase and it hasnt been fun.  I finanlly , thanks to my mom and sister Kiley, got rid of his binky a while ago and now his vocab is just a going. He says new words all the time. Its so fun. Especially the lastest where his pretends to burp or pass gas and say "escuse me mom" he is pretty cute.